
Apex Legends hits 198,235 concurrents Steam players and set the record

Apex Legends has held its position in the platform’s top 10 games, after arriving in November of 2020 on Steam

Apex Legends on its Season 8 has seen a boost in the population of the battle royale’s players in the two-year-old journey. In February it hit almost 70,000 more concurrent players on Steam than on January, starting off the year. As February came close, SteamDB recorded the numbers, that it had hit record-breaking 198,235 concurrent Steam players.

Five days after the second-anniversary collection event ended too. Season 8 certainly seems to have struck a chord, whether due to changes in the Ranked meta or Caustic seeing a resurgence or the arrival of new legend Fuse or some alchemical combination of other changes.

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